Your operators are adopting geo-engineered completion designs to reduce completion costs and increase production. Cutting data is a critical component of this new design approach. You can help your operators while growing your revenues dramatically; let us show you how.
You collect cuttings during the drilling process, analyze them, provide wonderful insight in the form of analysis, insights, suggestions, you pour your heart into providing the best possible insight. The geologists at the operator might look at your data out of curiosity, but seriously how does it move the needle for operators? Do they use your data to modify their completion for each well? Of course not. They don’t have the tools to leverage your insight. 95% of the time, your hard work simply sits on a server somewhere, because turning your analysis and insight into better well designs is just too much work. It takes too long. As a result, operators only do the bare minimum cutting analysis. Sure, some operators are truly using cutting analysis to optimize their frac design, but very few, and your revenues probably reflect this challenging situation.
What if you could seamlessly integrate your cutting analysis, insight, suggestions, everything, right into the frac design workflow used by your operators? What if your cutting analysis was a critical component of the design of every well? This would cause your revenues and profits to grow by leaps and bounds. Suddenly, your operators will be asking for tighter sample spacing. They’ll want more intense and expensive analysis. Your data and insight will be eagerly sought after because now frac, which represents 60% of the cost of the typical well, depends on it to increase well economics. Between cost savings and production increases, you’ll be selling operators on the amazing ROI that comes from geo-engineered frac design. You’ll be collecting more samples, running more tests and doing it for every well! This isn’t just a dream scenario, it is all available today, all you need to do is get started.
In addition to growing your business, your role as a valuable and trusted partner to your operators will grow dramatically. You’ll no longer send your data off to sit in some server at the operator’s electronic archive. You’ll be sharing insight and helping your customers deliver superior well economics. You’re no longer simply one of their vendors, you’re a trusted advisor. Your customer relationships will grow right along with your revenues.
Not only does DeepData Oilfield Labs help you increase your sales and grow your business, it also simplifies your data collection and management. DeepData Oilfield Lab is software-as-a-service (SaaS) that is hosted in the cloud just like Gmail, Facebook and so many other great tools. All you need to do is login and start using it. It collects sample information from the field and tracks the samples as they progress through the analysis process. It collects all of the data from XRF, XRD, TOC, TM and SEM analysis. It stores all of your additional documents of any kind: images, bills, insights, etc. and attaches those documents either to wells or to specific samples. This makes it so much easier for you and your operators to find exactly what they’re looking for. No more versioning issues with different Excel spreadsheets, no more file translation and no need to shipping files to your operators, all of the data is available instantly as soon as you load it.
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