DeepData provides a cloud-based software tool that makes it easier for completion engineers, geologists, frac designers, labs, logging companies and service providers to collaborate to improve completion designs. We make it easier for you to deliver your information, insight, and even complete frac designs in ways that are easily viewed and used by completion engineers. By seamlessly integrating your information into your operator’s completion design process, we make it more valuable to you and your customers. DeepData’s design tool costs you and your operators absolutely nothing. If your operators upgrade to the full version of DeepData’s Completion Design tool, you earn a referral bonus for each well.
DeepData delivers your data, designs, and insights in a way that makes it more easily consumable in the completion design process. This increases the value of your information to your operators. This helps you sell your services to more operators. It also helps your existing operators justify increased services: e.g. more logging, design each well, etc.
DeepData also helps your operators design better wells. By designing their wells for the rock specific rock properties along their wellbore, they will get significantly improved cluster participation, shorter design cycles, rapid redesign in response to wellsite issues, and more. In short, DeepData makes it easier for operators and their consultants to deliver superior well economics.
We pay you a 20% license fee for the Premium version of DeepData if and when your operator’s upgrade.
(1) You provide your data to all of your operators via DeepData;
(2) Your operator upgrades at least one well to the full version of DeepData Completion Design;
(3) In the situation where the operator is working with multiple DeepData partners, we will ask which partner referred them; we only pay one partner commission per well.
Yes. The free version of DeepData Completion Design enables a single completion design, either yours or the operators.
Not really. While we offer training, it is very intuitive to use. In addition, we have extensive and growing help videos that walk the user through all aspects of the application.
A web browser. DeepData is a cloud-based tool, similar to Facebook, Salesforce, or GMail. As long as your operators have a web browser they can use DeepData.